Ashes to ashes.
Dust and dirt.
Fail, feeble, and failing humanity.
We revel in your love unconditional.
We affirm our value and worth in light of your grace.
And yet we must
Also acknowledge
With difficult honesty
How often we don’t love our neighbour -
Let alone our enemy.
How easily we resent
Rather than forgive.
How carelessly we judge.
How much time is spent reaching for the other’s log
When what we are really grasping at
Is the shadow of the sliver in our own eye.
And so with hesitation
We come.
Prodigals still smelling like pigs.
Casting our broken selves at the foot of the father.
The one who meets helplessness with hope.
Dirt with drama.
Ashes with animation.
And through our sincerity, we find our Saviour.
On Wednesday morning, Ash Wednesday, I have a commitment to be present at Burkvale Protestant Separate School. As a result, I am unable to be present at Covenant for an Ash Wednesday service.
To help you acknowledge this day of preparation for lent, I have recorded a short video with four Ash Wednesday scripture readings, a song, some very brief reflection, and some prayer. You will find it below. I invite you to take some time on Ash Wednesday to watch it, follow along with the scripture, and join your heart with the prayer. May we be open to God doing his work in us, among us, and through us during this Lenten season.
Peace to you.