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Covenant Family,

During these days the words of Paul in 2 Timothy are a wonderful reminder to those of us who follow Jesus are seeking to walk in step with his Spirit.

The spirit given to us by God isn’t a fearful spirit; it’s a spirit of power, love and prudence.

As we walk through these days, we walk in step with a God who invites us to rest in his power - a power that transcends this world and this life. He also invites us to act with love - love towards those who are vulnerable, love towards those who disagree with us on the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, love towards all. And finally, he invites us to act with prudence - or wisdom. To that end, we encourage our Covenant family to heed the recommendations of those in our country and community who have the best information and experience.
  • Wash your hands well and often.
  • Please, stay at home as much as possible.
  • If you do need to go out, ask your friend or neighbour if you can pick anything up for them.
  • Reach out by phone, text, e-mail, or video chat to stay connected. It's good for your soul, your heart, and your mind!
I offer the prayer below for us to pray together.


Father, God.

In this time of global and national crisis, we ask that you would free us from the spirit of fear. Where fear turns us inward, may we be men and women - a family - who keeps our eyes upward to you and outward towards our fellow people.

And may we open ourselves up to be filled with the power of your spirit, fostering itself in a deep love for others and with profound wisdom. May we remain aware of the most vulnerable among us and serve them with the heart of Jesus. Help us to respond to the stirrings of your Spirit to reach out to the vulnerable among us - to send a message, make a call, or deliver a practical or encouraging gift in a safe manner. May you give us the discipline to heed the wisdom of our medical professionals and to walk well alongside each other as some are in self-isolation or are particularly vulnerable.

We thank you that you are not a God who is distant from suffering. Nor are you the cause of it. As we move through the season of Lent we are reminded that you are one who walks the road of suffering alongside us. We are encouraged by the knowledge that we have a hope of the resurrection that transcends the struggle of this world and this life.

Thank you for making us active partners in the care of this world and for empowering us to do what we can to help bring hope and healing. We pray these things while actively looking for ways that you are at work in our world and looking forward to joining in what you are doing.

In the name of Jesus, we pray.

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