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You are invited to new bi-monthly lunch and conversation gatherings on Sunday afternoons after church. This is a potluck gathering where each of us is invited to contribute to the meal - a main course, salad,'s up to you!

There are three purposes to these gatherings:

  • Community – These gatherings are a chance for us to connect and grow together as a church family over lunch and in conversations. Something special happens when we eat together that doesn't happen in any other context. We'd be glad to have you stick around after the service to join in the meal.
  • Communication – After we eat, we'll gather together in a space where we can communicate some of what is going on at the church. What do we have to celebrate? What concerns are there? What important new information do we all need to know? This will be a chance to ensure these things are shared.
  • Cooperation – As we share some of what is going on, it helps us better work together to join in the good things God is doing and to help meet and overcome the challenges we face. Maybe you have a skill that you can contribute, but you didn't know there was a need. Maybe you know someone who could help us with something. As we communicate together, we'll be better equipped to work together and flourish as a Covenant family!

For those who are unable to participate in person, we will go live online after the meal (at around 12:30) so that you may also join us! To join us online using Zoom, go to