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I'm excited.



Today at the Covenant building we hosted a group from the Ontario Early Years Centre of North Simcoe upstairs in part of the auditorium. We had a group of students from a Burkevale Protestant Separate School summer learning program downstairs. We had a crew of kids and youth creating and painting props and decorations for VBS outside.

I'm excited because we have amazing opportunities to help bless and serve children and youth in our community. The "tag line" for VBS this year is Created by God. Built for a purpose. What an amazing privilege to help children, youth, and adults discover that they are "fearfully and wonderfully made" by the creator of the universe and that he made them to enjoy his love and to live his way in the world.

I hope you realize this truth. You were created by God. And despite the brokenness we feel because of our wrongdoing or the wrongdoing of others; because of illness or age; because of exhaustion or injury . . . your creator loves you with an everlasting love. And he's given you a purpose. You get to discover your true self in the context of that divine love and then share his love, through your unique wiring, with others. You get to carry the image of God into all the places you go! What an awesome purpose!

I'm praying for you today. I pray that you will truly experience God's love and grace (like we talked about on Sunday morning) and that you will be able to beautifully live out his purpose for you by sharing that love and grace with others.

Don't forget about opportunities for you to share this love and grace with children this summer.

VBS Opportunities

  • Crew Leaders - We need 8 more older youth and/or adults to serve as primary crew leaders. A crew leader works with an assistant crew leader to move through the VBS with a small group of up to six children. Your responsibilities? Befriend the children. Talk with them. Show them someone cares for them. Supervise them as you move through the VBS stations. Help them see that Jesus loves them. Pretty simple right?!?
  • Assitant Crew Leaders - We need six more grades 6-8 students to serve as assistant crew leaders. Join in with the work of the main crew leader to help younger children get the most out of Maker Fun Factory VBS.

Click here to register as a VBS Volunteer!!!

Sunday Morning Summer Opportunities

  • Grade 1-5 summer leaders. Would you be willing to give 45 minutes of time on one Sunday morning this summer to serve our children? In order to care for all of our children we need volunteers for our grade 1-5 program - 2 for each Sunday. Helping is as easy as supervising the children and playing a fun (and educational!) DVD. The following Sundays are still available for you to serve. Contact Jenn at for details.
    • July 30
    • August 13
    • August 20
    • August 27