On Sunday we concluded our series working through (Re)union: The Good News of Jesus for Seekers, Saints, and Sinners. In it, we have rehearsed one summary of the good news, which is presented this way:
Jesus is God with us, come to
show us God’s love,
save us from sin,
set up God’s kingdom, and
shut down religion,
so we can share in God’s life.
From the ground of the gospel, we worked through the gifts of the gospel, before concluding the summary of the gospel with the goal of the gospel. For those who have not participated with us in the series, you may read the book (available in hard copy and e-book at amazon.ca) and even watch Bruxy Cavey teach through the series (available at www.themeetinghouse.com/teaching/archives/2017/reunion/).
This week, I'd love to hear from you. Is there anything from our (Re)union series that was new to you, you heard as an important reminder, or you especially appreciated? Which element of the good news of Jesus was most significant for you to hear (for the first time or to hear again)? Is there any part of this summary of the good news of Jesus that you would like us to talk more about or expand on in the future?
Please consider this and e-mail me with your responses at jon@covenantchurch.ca. I look forward to hearing from you!